Monday, May 27, 2013

The Lion and the Wolf

Posted by Unknown On 12:47 AM | No comments

'The Lion’s Share'

Comment by Pissed Off

Re: UN envoy urges fair polls in Cambodia

Mr. School of Vice,
Thank you very much for your insight and great love for our tragically unfortunate country.
The great lion uses cunning or even resorts to low cunning in order to prey on a smaller wolf; the victimized wolf, even though it has suffered tremendously at the hand of the wicked lion, unfortunately uses the same style of hunting to prey upon the domestic animals with the assistance of the silly ones in order to bring to the lion the delicious meat of the smaller and weaker birds forgetting that, once all the birds are gone, it is the meat of the wolf itself that the lion will happily savour with deliciously expensive French wines.
'Only in Cambodia where one can get a doctorate degree and yet cannot write or even think!'
As you have said it quite eloquently, whoever had ruled Cambodia from December/January 1979 [or even before then] to September 1989, and up until the UN's brief intervention in 1993 are/is still in de facto control of her today. This “whoever” has taught the wolf quite well and continues to influence its tactics in how to take control of and exploit the domestic animals using the always feasible ancient method of divide and conquer to rule the village where most of the smaller birds know exactly what is going on, but choose to remain silent for whatever reason, thus allowing the few short-sighted, but quite selfish ones to work for the wolf obviously with every intention to fatten themselves at the destruction of the rest of the birds and village and possibly the disappearance of the village altogether. 

I have watched with great concern the direction to which our country is moving for some time now. I hope I do not see the complete subjugation of our beloved country in my lifetime or in any time of the future, but I do certainly fear for the future of our beautiful, again I repeat, our beautiful, but unfortunate country of Cambodia.
These so-called educated hecklers affiliated to the ruling party used the freedom of speech guaranteed in a democratic society to distract public attention to the destruction and devastation of the country committed by the CPP who are indeed their boss. I would have no problem seeing the disagreement being expressed in a civilized manner with an attempt to understand why the UN representative judges Cambodia the way he has done. After all, they can prepare a counter argument and express it in a noble way. Somehow I strongly doubt they have the kind of education and thought required for such a purpose. By their rowdy behaviour they certainly do possess the ability and tendency to resort to violence to prove their unfounded points.
What scares me the most is that even in our current modern era of technology and great knowledge, a surprisingly disturbing number of Cambodian youths appear to have learnt nothing concrete from school and the rest of the world and yet thousands of degrees are passed out each year! Only in Cambodia where one can get a doctorate degree and yet cannot write or even think!


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